Thursday, December 1, 2011

Traitor in our midst?


According to, "Amazon: Kindle Fire best selling product for eight weeks running, quadruples Black Friday sales."

Upon the delivery of my pre-ordered Kindle Fire, I have joined the masses in the ebook revolution. I love my Kindle Fire! I bought it primarily because I wanted an ereader. But it does so much more! Movies, apps galore, email, FB, web browsing, music, and of course books. Beyond a little glare on the screen with certain lighting, and the touch screen not being as sensitive as the ipad, I can't find any fault with it.
80 apps and 10 movies, 800 songs, or 6,000 books may be loaded. If you're running short on storage space, you may move content to and from your Kindle Fire and your Amazon Cloud (free storage). The battery life is about 8 hours, depending on what your viewing.

Despite loving the functionality of the Kindle, I don't consider myself a traitor to reading paper books nor the institutions that house them. I will always enjoy sitting by the fire on a cold winter's night, turning the pages of a good novel.

(Is the Taos Public Library going digital? Check back soon...)

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