The Town
of Taos, Taos Plaza Merchants, Big Brother’s Big Sisters of Northern NM, DMC
Broadcasting Inc. and The Taos News will be hosting a Children’s Halloween
Party, Haunted House and Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 31, 2014 from 3:00
PM to 7:00 PM at the Taos Plaza. The event will provide the children of
Taos with a fun, safe and supervised event. Everyone is welcome and admission
is FREE! The first 800 children will also receive a free Halloween bag
filled with treats and goodies.

will be various carnival games such as: Bean Bag Toss, Bowling, Tarot
Cards, Tic-Tac-Toe and Face Painting just to name a few.
Taos Plaza Merchants will give out candy to trick-or-treaters from their
businesses as part of their annual tradition. Those businesses are:
Artwares, At Home in Taos, Charles Collins Gallery #2 McCarthy Plaza, Coyote
Club, Frank Secker Gallery, Hotel La Fonda Taos, Indian Hills Jewelry, Inc.,
Martinez Art, Mesa’s Edge, Mosaic Fine Dining, Natural Accents Gallery, Open
Space, Sage Fine Art, Smoke Signals, Sun Shades and Optics, Taos Accessories,
Taos Community Center’s Coop, Taos Mercantile, Taos Mountain Candles (2
locations), Taos Mountain Outfitters, Taos Trading Company, The Chocolate
Factory, The Gorge Bar & Grill, The I Love Taos Company and The Village