Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Libraries Now Luxury Hotel Amenities

The next time someone questions the vitality of libraries in the age of Google, you can cite this article from the July 29 New York Times which reports that luxury hotels are now including libraries as one of their amenities. And, apparently, the public is going for it.

The Times reports:

(S)ome hotels are giving the humble book another look, as they search for ways to persuade guests, particularly younger ones, to spend more time in their lobbies and bars. They are increasingly stocking books in a central location, designating book suites or playing host to author readings. While the trend began at boutique hotels like the Library Hotel in New York, the Heathman Hotel in Portland, Ore., and the Study at Yale in New Haven, it is expanding to chain hotels. 
For these chains, a library — or at least the feel of one — allows a lobby to evolve from a formal space to a more homelike atmosphere, one that younger customers seek. Adam Weissenberg, vice chairman for the travel, hospitality and leisure groups at Deloitte, said, “My general impression is that this ties into changing demographics.” He added, “Younger travelers want to be part of the community.”
Fortunately, TaoseƱos don't need to pack a suitcase or check into a hotel to hang out in our library!

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